Retinal Displacement
Investigates the combined worlds of the virtual and the real from the point of view of technology, social media and gaming of A.I. construction. Suddenly, we are finding these assumed realities assimilating onto one platform that is both real and imagined through the auspices of the computer. The fine line that delineates the two has disappeared, and we live in suspended animations of time with its own hierarchy of rules of the game in these self-imposed microcosms. The construction of these multidimensional new worlds is investigated through an exploratory series of transparent layered drawings, paintings and computer-generated inkjets on wood, paper, canvas, Mylar and Plexiglas.
Photo credit: Kevin Kunstadt
Jesters are wild Mixed media 24” x 37”
Erasures Acrylic on canvas 48” x 72”
Untitled (when mentioning my name) Plexiglas and aluminum mount with printed drawing and watercolor images 15” x 23”