A Consonant for Noise


A socio-political commentary on the environment, this installation explores our perceptions of food security and the global food crisis. The work explores patterns of communication through a highlighted strip of braille composed of corn kernels surrounding the walls of the gallery. Set in the center, an eerie installation of glass-based corn stalks lean together, amassed among stone and sand over a toppled podium. As in the allegory of Plato’s Cave, the piece suggests how blind we are to the pending realities of current global changes. In this case, it eludes to the effects of global climate change, food economies and the future effects on global food supplies.

The braille corn kernels translate into a list of five of the major global seed banks including the much-publicized Svalbard Global Seed Vault, along with each vault’s location in the world. The work looks at the role of these seed repositories as present-day "Noah's Arks" constructed as a living library of our planet's botanical history. This work adds another layer to work on perception and social responsibility 2016-2018. As climate change advances, we scramble to find effective solutions for our future.

ISCP (International Studio and Curatorial Program) Project Space, curator A. Sloane, NY

Naomi Campbell2016